Caporale Consultants, Incorporated (CCI), a California Corporation was founded by its President Rick A. Caporale in 2001. CCIs primary business is providing consulting services, project and product management to environmental, green and clean technology based firms. In addition, CCIsmanagement is actively seeking to acquire and/or operate companies that possess a strategic niche in the environmental/green/clean technology arena.
Environmental technology, green technology or clean technology is the application of environmental science to conserve the natural environment and resources, and to mitigate the negative impacts of human involvement. The current U.S. Administration, as well as many sovereign foreign governments have embraced, or are providing incentives/advantages to businesses that employ these technologies.
Going forward CCI is utilizing its “operational” expertise and historical financial contacts to locate, evaluate and acquire methodologies that are truly impactful and commercially capable of returning significant financial gains in the near term, (3-5 years), as a base to building a comprehensive operation, offering a wider array of these technological solutions. To better define opportunities, CCI follows general criteria as a guide:
Seed and Early-Stage Green, Clean, Environmental or Water Companies: Companies that produce distribute or service high technology products in green, clean, environmental or water industries.
Enterprise Size:
Early Stage -$10.0 Million in revenues, small to lower mid-market in size. Low profile, with less than 10% market share
Operating History:
Early Stage or established company with positive cash flow, but can be minimally profitable depending on technology
Competitive Advantage:
Products, processes or methods should be proprietary, patented or retain significant barriers to entry
Mr. Caporale has a 24 year long and successful history of business success in the environmental, green and clean technology space. In addition to his many years of experience, Mr. Caporale holds a Bachelors Degree in Chemistry which enables him to balance his management experience with a solid technical perspective. Mr. Caporale is also a member of the World Presidents Organization (WPO) Southern California Chapter.
CONTACT: Mr. Caporale would be happy to discuss any opportunities that may meet the above general company profile, at any time, by email; rick@caporaleconsultants.com or cell; 714-267-1613.